
Game Prototyping: 5 Common Mistakes Game Developers Make (and How to Avoid Them)

October 7, 2024

Mistake 1: Overcomplicating the Prototype

One of the most frequent mistakes developers make is trying to create a prototype that feels like a finished product. While it’s tempting to make the prototype look polished, this often leads to overinvestment in visual elements, sound design, and non-essential features. The goal of a prototype isn’t to create a perfect game, but to test whether the core gameplay mechanics work.

How to Avoid It:

Focus on the bare essentials. Strip down your prototype to the key gameplay loop or mechanic you’re trying to test. Keep the visuals, animations, and sound minimal—just enough to communicate the gameplay idea. Remember, the prototype is there to validate your core concepts, not to impress players with high-quality art or effects.

Mistake 2: Not Gathering Feedback Early Enough

Many developers hold back from sharing their prototype because they feel it’s “not ready” for feedback. However, the sooner you get feedback from testers, the quicker you can identify potential issues in the design or mechanics. Waiting too long can lead to costly mistakes later in the development process when larger changes are harder to implement.

How to Avoid It:

Test early and often. Once you have a basic version of your core mechanics, get it in front of players or colleagues for feedback. Even if the game feels rough around the edges, outside perspectives can help you see flaws or opportunities you might have missed. Iteration based on this feedback is crucial for refining your ideas.

Mistake 3: Lack of Clear Prototyping Goals

One of the biggest challenges in prototyping is knowing what to focus on. Developers often dive into creating a prototype without clearly defining the goals of the exercise. Without clear objectives, you risk wasting time on features or mechanics that may not even be necessary for the final product.

How to Avoid It:

Before you begin prototyping, ask yourself, “What am I trying to test or prove with this prototype?” Is it a specific gameplay mechanic, a control scheme, or a player interaction? Setting clear, measurable goals will help guide your efforts and keep the prototype aligned with your larger vision.


Mistake 4: Trying to Test Too Many Features at Once

It’s easy to fall into the trap of adding multiple features or mechanics into the prototype to see what works best. However, testing too many things at once can dilute the focus of your prototype and make it harder to identify which parts are actually working. This leads to confusion and could delay the feedback and iteration process.

How to Avoid It:

Focus on the core gameplay loop or a single feature you want to test in each iteration of the prototype. Break your prototyping process into stages where you test one feature at a time. Once the core gameplay works, you can start layering in additional features in future iterations. This approach ensures you’re building a solid foundation.

Mistake 5: Underestimating Time and Resources Required

Prototyping often takes longer than expected, especially if you're planning to iterate on feedback and make multiple adjustments. Many developers assume that prototyping is a quick phase and don’t allocate enough time or resources to do it properly. Rushing through this phase can result in a flawed game concept going into full development, leading to bigger problems down the road.

How to Avoid It:

Plan for multiple rounds of iteration. Build in extra time in your project timeline to revisit and tweak the prototype based on the feedback you receive. Prototyping is not just about creating something once—it’s about continuous refinement until you’ve got the gameplay solid. Make sure your team has enough flexibility in the schedule to allow for adjustments before moving on to full production.


Prototyping is a critical phase in game development that helps validate your ideas before committing significant resources. However, it’s easy to make mistakes during this process that can derail your progress. By avoiding these five common mistakes—overcomplicating the prototype, delaying feedback, failing to set clear goals, testing too many features, and underestimating the time needed—you can create a more efficient and successful game development workflow.

Remember, prototyping is about learning quickly. The faster you test and iterate, the sooner you’ll identify what works—and what doesn’t. Keep your focus on the core gameplay, seek feedback early, and ensure you’ve set aside enough time to make necessary adjustments.

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Michał Kulinicz


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